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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Make a prayer

O people
In a hut made of tin and cly
A small boy dreams a way
Of clean water and a meal a day
And not to fear mines as he plays each day

O people
Somewhere dark and out of the way
Aids has found yet another prey
To save his life he just couldn't pay

Tell me what we're going to do
For our brother in Palestine
For our sisters in Irak
Show me what we're going to do
Are we just going to sit there?
Nice and cosy on our armchairs
Will we not event make a prayer?

You might ask yourself
Why should I help these people?
They'll tell you why
We're not so diffrent from you
But they were buried with the bodies of our loved ones

O people
Are we deaf,dumb,and blind?
What is going through our minds?
Don't we care for the rest of mankind?

O people
We claƬm to love peace and justice
Why do we preach what we don't prectice?
Let's help them out of this darkness

Tell me what we're going to do
Four our brother each full of tears and sadness
For our sisters whom hungry and lonely
Show me what we're going to do
Are we just going to sit there?
Nice and cosy on our armchairs
Will we not even make a prayer?

COME ON..my friends do it something

lirik ini sy denger pd suatu saat ketika keinginan yg memuncak utk makan pizza,waktu itu Allah memberi rizki uang yg berlebih hingga cukuplah kl utk beli pizza..ya sudah dniatkan utk berangkat..mesin kendaraan dah dinyalain..udah pake jaket n sgalanya dah dpersiapkan tapi....Subhanallah Allah yg ingin sy cintai diatas sgala2nya di dunia ini dan alam lainnya yg ada menunjukan Rohman n Rohimnya.. baru aja sy kunci pintu..hujan turun deras sekali...mmm ya sudah sy pikir tunggu dulu aja ah sambil dengerin sami yusuf...
lagu demi lagu berlalu..lirik demi lirik lewat gt aja sampe lagu ke 7 dg judul MAKE A PRAYER tanpa sengaja bibir ini melantunkan lirik demi liriknya hingga syaraf sensorik sy melanjutkan impulsnya ke otak besar sy bagian samping n antara tengah n belakang hingga memacu memori sy mencatatnya n melanjutkannya ke hati sy...Subhanallah hati sy bergetar...tubuh ini gemetar n air mata sy mulai jatuh...
Astagfirullah ya Rabb apakah artinya ini?
dsela-sela kepiluan hati sy menyimpulkan
Maha kasihnya Allah yg membuat hujan sbg petunjuk utk menyadarkan sy..bahwa ga sepatutnya lah menghambur2kan rizky dsaat yg sama masih ada saudara2 kt yg bahkan utk dpt air bersih dan susu aja tdk bs.
syukron my beloved Allah...
teman2 tengoklah orang2 dsekitar kita apakah mereka sudah cukup bahagia dg keberadaan kita????


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